Our Services

1. Bio Availability/ Bio Equivalence (BA/BE) Studies in Healthy Subjects

Following activities are undertaken while performing BA/BE studies by Sarth Research Solutions LLP through selected CRO:

1. Prior study conduct

2. During Study conduct

3. Post Study conduct

4. Project Management and Tracking

2. Pharmacokinetic/ Bioequivalence Studies in Patients

Following activities are undertaken while performing clinical trials (clinical end point and PK/patient-based BE) studies by Sarth Research Solutions LLP through selected Investigator and/CRO:

1. Prior Study Conduct

2. During Study Conduct

3. Post Study Conduct

4. Project Management and Tracking

3. Regulatory (Standalone) Services

1. Local regulatory authority (DCGI)

2. CBN

3. Medical Writing

4. Audits and Monitoring

4. Preclinical Studies

Following pre-clinical (toxicology and safety) studies are performed at selected pre-clinical CRO by Sarth Research Solutions LLP:

Toxicology Studies

1. In-Vitro and Genotoxicity Toxicity

2. In-Vivo – Toxicity

3. Pharmacokinetic/Toxicokinetic Studies

4. Safety Pharmacology Studies

5. Dose-Range Finding Studies

6. Formulation and Delivery Studies

7. Immunogenicity Studies

8. Reproductive Toxicity Studies

9. Local Tolerance Studies

10. Mutagenicity

5. API/ Reference Product Sourcing

Support new generic product development by offering APIs and Reference Products from API manufacturing partners and Vendors respectively.

6. Dossier development

1. In-Licensing and Out-Licensing

7. Formulation Development CMO/CDMO

Providing specialized services in the development of formulations for products in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, nutraceutical, and healthcare industries.

1. CMOs

2. CDMOs

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